Well, the quarter ended, and contrary to what I believed at times, I got everything done on time. The morning after I finished my Stats final, we drove to Utah for Thanksgiving and just got back a week ago. I feel like it's taken until now to decompress, get caught up on everything, and feel normal again. It also helped that I found out I passed the language proficiency exam (21/30 which is exactly what I needed to pass...phew!), and I aced my classes (A in Stats? Yes, please).
It's crazy to think that other than interning part time for a few more weeks, I am completely done with my masters degree. It's been such a great experience, and I feel that I have grown so much while here. Moving on to a new chapter in life is always a little scary, but I'm also really excited for what's to come. I have a feeling that 2012 is going to be a great year.